Monday, August 3, 2015

Historical lessons

Choose the battles you want to fight- My ex-boss used to say. Implying, you have too many things to deal with on a given day and it’s for you to prioritize. It was a mere statement or quote for us. But I am pretty sure, she lives it every day! Being a working woman with husband, kids and all sorts of 'social expectations’, such things come to women easily. I am pretty sure she didn't invent that quote. I didn't care to look up google for the original source (else this para would have started with XXX said!!). For me the message is important than the source. Unfortunately that is not the case generally speaking. Now-a-days, 'who' said matters more than 'what' is said. Anyways, that’s a different theme.
History, as they say is a great teacher. This applies as much to individuals and organizations as to nations as a whole. While there is focus on 'correcting' the history of Bharat, one need not lose sight of the immediate past.
Year 2004.The only non-Congress government to have completed a full term, since Independence was gearing up for general elections. The economy was on growth path. Share markets were booming. GDP was soaring. Incidentally the monsoon was normal that year. Even at the foreign policy front, there were a lot of ‘achievements’, so to say, notwithstanding the Kargil war or the earlier fiasco of Kandahar hijack. At a high level, the ruling dispensation looked all set to return to power. Odds (and bets of course!!) were heavily in favor of NDA/BJP. Not surprisingly the think tank of the BJP coined the slogan 'India Shining'. Who would have imagined that this would result in the ultimate fall of the government! Results were shocking to most -particularly the urban educated and the elites. Subsequently, a lot of political analysts tried analyzing the loss and came up with various reasons- all, not necessarily false.
           A few of the reasons are noteworthy and need to be listed here
1. Corruption in the central and state ( BJP ruled) governments leading to the general disillusionment of people and making them believe that the NDA/BJP government were the other side of the Congress .
2. Disconnect with the people on ground. While NDA was relying on the GDP numbers, majority of the people, particularly in rural areas were suffering. Their condition had either not improved or had turned worse. So the slogan of 'India Shining' was a salt on the wounds for them.
3. Youth had contributed significantly to the rise of BJP in general and particularly to the change of government in 1999. With different voices coming from the Government, the party (BJP), the Sangh parivar and the associated institutions, the youth were in a dilemma which ultimately led to disillusionment.
4. The 'parivar-as they say’, was not very happy with the government 'achievements' in those 5 years since it did not cater to their agenda items. So, though there was official support, the enthusiasm on ground was meek.
5. While the government was busy projecting ‘India Shining’, they were losing their NDA partners one by one (some for genuine reasons, other were opportunists). The task for opposition (in this case congress) was simple- Just manage a coalition of ‘non BJP’ parties! Which as history shows, they successfully managed.  

Year 2014- NDA Government again! A quarter of those who elected Modi in 2014 were busy watching cartoons back in 2004. A little less than a quarter were either busy with their studies or enjoying their newly found financial sufficiency arising out of economic liberalization. Effectively, there is a whole (and significant) class of electorate that has played defining role in election of Modi government. Not to mention, ‘the parivar’ and the loyalists who played an important role as well. Then there are always the ‘uncertain layer’ which was swayed towards Modi due to the prospects demonstrated and promises made.
The reason for digging up the past is – It should be a lesson to the present day government .Things that they ought to do and particularly the ones they should certainly avoid. If you look at the current day situation closely, it is – or fast turning out to be the way it has been listed above. Having said that, the government still has close to four years to complete its term and that is good enough to reverse the tide.
Functioning of parliament was never going to be easy for the government, even with a majority in Loksabha. Firstly, they were a minority in Rajya Sabha- which was known even before the Loksabha elections. No way would any new government have changed that! Secondly, with the way BJP transacted during 2004-2009, it was only a matter of time Congress and/or other parties reciprocated. So there is no point in ‘projecting’ congress as the culprit. BJP started it. And they cannot wash their hands saying it was ‘Not Modi’!  Floor managers of the government ought to do a better job than crying foul. At the end of the day, as they very well know, it’s about negotiations. If the government took credit of some ‘115%’ business done by Parliament in the winter session, it has to take the blame of the wash away. There is no easy way out!
There are a thousand spokespersons of the government and another thousands of Modi and a thousand more of the “Sangh -but not Modi” and a thousand more of  “Hindutva but not Sangh” and a few hundred left of ‘ BJP but not Modi’. So net net there are far too many voices that an average human can hear and bear! While during the elections, they all had a single agenda – To make Modi the Prime Minister. So these multitude of layers actually helped the cause. But the same are turning out to be nuisance now.  You see different (or differential) versions of stories emanating from these groups that adds to the confusion about the government stance on matters. Plausible deniability does not help in these matters because on social media or otherwise, people have been used to accept these voices as the BJP/Modi stance since the “Modi as PM” days. It is hard to shrug off now. And government stance (or no stance) makes matters worse. This leads to confusion among people, particularly some of the youth who do not necessarily adhere to the ideology and also to those who have ‘shifted’ their loyalty in hope of a better future.
Then there are those issues that the government need to bother at this time. Actually never at all!. FTII issue being a case in point. No amount of justification is going to lead students (and since it’s a national issue now, people at large) to accept the decision! There are a few thousand (a few hundred I myself know) better qualified people to take the job.  Why the government is making this a prestige issue is beyond my understanding. The other day I heard somebody saying (not sure if it was an official spokesman or one of those “unofficial” tout) that students in their youth are inclined towards “Left”. The same youth that brought you to power! Are you nuts? Accusing the FTII students of being leftist is public.  Well, how does it matter even if they are? And if the government had appointed somebody of impeccable credentials, that justification would have made sense. In current situation the government are making a mockery of themselves.  Similar was the case with some issue at IIT Madras and few others.
Use of social media is another scourge.  As mentioned above, there are far too many ‘Well Wishers” who actually rot the web. The problem is compounded by the fact that the party or government has not effectively dissociated from, or accepted their views publicly! So there is a load of scum published by these jokers which passes on as the party or government position –and trust me – it makes the government position weaker, if not better. A case in point – The recent trend to blame MSM (Main Stream media for those who are new). Well, the media is commercial – it ought to be! A bit (or more than bit) left leaning – for whatsoever reasons. Agreed! But to project that they are the reason for everything bad happening today! Well that’s stretching the imagination too far! Similarly, everybody who takes a stance contrary to the government (read Modi, BJP, Sangh –any one) is anti-national or anti Hindu! These kinds of things provide a ready platter to the opposition to create issues out of something that’s too trivial even for a local body government! There is filth in the social media even on the other side. But here is the thing- You have to run and maintain the government, they don’t!! .
To their credit, the government indeed has done good work on a number of fronts. It has been adequately highlighted as well. But then, nobody remembers good things forever do they? And can’t blame the social media or MSM here. You create those news more often than not. And those things linger. The government, party – in general the ruling dispensation would be faced with numerous challenges every day. It is for you do decide which ones to address and where to withdraw /ignore.

Learn from History - Choose your own battles!

Jain Hind!

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