As I begin to write this, my head reels -A dilemma that refuses to resolve. Well not really a dilemma. Dilemma is binary- this or that, right or wrong, plain 2 dimensional problem. Simple. You can either be right or wrong. Is there a word in English called multilemma? Something that depicts the multi-dimensional chaos of the human mind? The uncertainty of represented facts, or the interpretations of it from multiple directions. May be-May be not. As much as I try to simplify things and try to represent them on a 2 dimensional plane, they get distorted beyond recognition. Is it really that complicated to have a two dimensional view of a multi-dimensional entity? Or is it that I am over complicating things? Trying to imaging multiple dimensions when only two exist, or may be none exist! May be- May be not. Also, Am I the only one with such questions? Are there others like me? Are they even aware? May be- May be not. For some time now, I have heard myself say these words a million times – May be –May be not.
Needless to say, I am talking about the current political situation in the country. Frankly speaking, the situation is neither a ‘current’ phenomenon nor just political. It is slowly creeping into the basic fabric of our society. Or maybe it was already present, just being revived. Either ways, the happenings make one feel agonizing, at the very least. I went through the cycle of disbelief, disillusionment, pain, anger, exhaustion, confusion, agony and anything that you can add to the mix. Stopped writing (not that anybody cared, except my kid who got that extra time with me ! ). A number of people, when touched upon the topic asked the same question- What’s going on. With an exasperated tone of course. Most were apolitical, may be a little right leaning- people who possibly may have voted for the BJP due to varied reasons and expectations. (‘may have’ because you don’t ask one his voting preferences). What’s going on? Honestly I have no answer. Or may be many answers. Answers that defy the established norms of our thinking barriers. Who will listen? Who will believe? Well may be people know it, just that there’s been selective amnesia. Or – May be not.
From the very beginning, we have been taught the concept of antithesis. Good or evil, right or wrong, true or false, gods and demons, heroes and villains, tormentors and victims, Black or White. So if one exists, or you believe it exists, the other has to. There is no way it cannot- we are told. So most of us brought up with a version of our own goods and evils, gods and anti-gods, white and black find the kaleidoscope a confusing place. What color should I call it if my glasses are red? Or green for that matter? Should I wear glasses? What if I cannot see clearly? So there is a color of your glasses, the color of the object, seen from a colorful kaleidoscope against a bright colored background in a room with colored lights! The ultimate color? Nobody knows and different for everybody. Yet we are told that it has to be black or white. The Kaleidoscope, we are told doesn’t allow for shades of grey. Each has to choose their white and live with it. You are disowned if you deviate, revolt or question.
The First white - So a political party, which has the largest number of seats , in fact the highest since past 30 years, is – we are told is communal, anti dalits , anti-Christians , anti-Muslims, anti-farmers, anti-Students, anti-Women ( well somebody wearing a saffron colored shirt opposed them in Shani Shingnapur remember ? ) . So we have a ruling party that’s against a whopping 70-80 % of the population. Not to mention anti-Pakistan, anti-China, anti- Marxist, anti-Secular, anti- whatever happens with whosoever in the country. In fact, the leader of an opposition party is so desperate to call them anti-XXX that he espouses the cause of the very person, whom they hanged, when in power!. And whom is the ruling party supporting really? – Well Brahmanical way. A huge 2% of the population! Astonishing because even the most brutal dictatorship cannot survive with that minuscule a support!. Businessmen –Second answer!. We must surely be living in the Cuba of 60s where support to business is termed as an act of treachery. Similarly , an organization that have been in existence for past 90+ years under the British rule followed by prolonged single party rule in the country-and surprisingly not banned all the while, is branded a terrorist organization and compared to some of the most dreaded terror groups in the world . They spread hatred it seems! Why will the ruling dispensation try to destabilize their own government by creating these unnecessary controversies? ! Why? Well don’t question why. Black or white! Follow George W Bush. You are with us or you are with the enemy!
The other white- We are being told that the entire universe is conspiring against the government of present day, the leader in particular. Foreign governments (the list varies), NGOs, of course the opposition parties, not to mention the dear friends, the media. Reason? Well we are progressing so fast that some people and countries have motion sickness and cannot bear it. So they are using each and every means at disposal to stop the train- it seems! So, most of the opposition parties and their leaders qualify to be traitors. Anybody with a ‘communist’ label is an anti-national by default. In fact the genealogy of one of the largest party is filled with traitors and anti-nationals, we are told. This is the party that ruled for most part of our post independence phase, won 3 wars (well lost one as well!) And was responsible for (in whichever manner) where we stand today as a nation. But don’t ask. Black or White. Choose your’s.
Black and White- Media- used as a pillow during the night and a punching bag during the day! Their color changes on daily basis. The ruling dispensation (or at least their friends) believe that the media (their term is MSM) is biased against their leader and aligns with whosoever conspires to get the government into trouble. It seems most media houses are foreign funded by external intelligence agencies or business houses. Why cannot the government reign in these forces is not answered. If the media is controlled by external forces, the opposition parties driven by ‘external forces’, what the hell is the government of India doing all this while? That part is conveniently not answered. What benefit will majority of the media derive by being anti-government (as is projected), besides improving TRPs is not discussed. Don’t talk about it. Black or White.
On part of the media, some definitely have a pathological hatred towards the ruling dispensation- the leader in particular. So apart from trying to settle personal scores, the media thrives on anarchy. Anarchy drives TRPs- simple. So it was the media which publicized the Anna Hazare moment and the same people who have publicized the JNU episode. Besides, they are not merely the messengers of information. But creators of stories. There is no ethical angle here. That industry can no longer afford it. Whose side is the media on? Well, media is on their own side, shifting partners as per the convenience and TRPs. Why does the media report in a particular way? Don’t ask why. Black or White!
Wondering if ever,one were to look out of the kaleidoscope to witness the beautiful colors around. Multiple colors and numerous shades …over a billion of them, actually!
This land will be a beautiful place then….colored …not black or white.
Will that happen? May be – May be not ……
Jai Hind!
Needless to say, I am talking about the current political situation in the country. Frankly speaking, the situation is neither a ‘current’ phenomenon nor just political. It is slowly creeping into the basic fabric of our society. Or maybe it was already present, just being revived. Either ways, the happenings make one feel agonizing, at the very least. I went through the cycle of disbelief, disillusionment, pain, anger, exhaustion, confusion, agony and anything that you can add to the mix. Stopped writing (not that anybody cared, except my kid who got that extra time with me ! ). A number of people, when touched upon the topic asked the same question- What’s going on. With an exasperated tone of course. Most were apolitical, may be a little right leaning- people who possibly may have voted for the BJP due to varied reasons and expectations. (‘may have’ because you don’t ask one his voting preferences). What’s going on? Honestly I have no answer. Or may be many answers. Answers that defy the established norms of our thinking barriers. Who will listen? Who will believe? Well may be people know it, just that there’s been selective amnesia. Or – May be not.
From the very beginning, we have been taught the concept of antithesis. Good or evil, right or wrong, true or false, gods and demons, heroes and villains, tormentors and victims, Black or White. So if one exists, or you believe it exists, the other has to. There is no way it cannot- we are told. So most of us brought up with a version of our own goods and evils, gods and anti-gods, white and black find the kaleidoscope a confusing place. What color should I call it if my glasses are red? Or green for that matter? Should I wear glasses? What if I cannot see clearly? So there is a color of your glasses, the color of the object, seen from a colorful kaleidoscope against a bright colored background in a room with colored lights! The ultimate color? Nobody knows and different for everybody. Yet we are told that it has to be black or white. The Kaleidoscope, we are told doesn’t allow for shades of grey. Each has to choose their white and live with it. You are disowned if you deviate, revolt or question.
The First white - So a political party, which has the largest number of seats , in fact the highest since past 30 years, is – we are told is communal, anti dalits , anti-Christians , anti-Muslims, anti-farmers, anti-Students, anti-Women ( well somebody wearing a saffron colored shirt opposed them in Shani Shingnapur remember ? ) . So we have a ruling party that’s against a whopping 70-80 % of the population. Not to mention anti-Pakistan, anti-China, anti- Marxist, anti-Secular, anti- whatever happens with whosoever in the country. In fact, the leader of an opposition party is so desperate to call them anti-XXX that he espouses the cause of the very person, whom they hanged, when in power!. And whom is the ruling party supporting really? – Well Brahmanical way. A huge 2% of the population! Astonishing because even the most brutal dictatorship cannot survive with that minuscule a support!. Businessmen –Second answer!. We must surely be living in the Cuba of 60s where support to business is termed as an act of treachery. Similarly , an organization that have been in existence for past 90+ years under the British rule followed by prolonged single party rule in the country-and surprisingly not banned all the while, is branded a terrorist organization and compared to some of the most dreaded terror groups in the world . They spread hatred it seems! Why will the ruling dispensation try to destabilize their own government by creating these unnecessary controversies? ! Why? Well don’t question why. Black or white! Follow George W Bush. You are with us or you are with the enemy!
The other white- We are being told that the entire universe is conspiring against the government of present day, the leader in particular. Foreign governments (the list varies), NGOs, of course the opposition parties, not to mention the dear friends, the media. Reason? Well we are progressing so fast that some people and countries have motion sickness and cannot bear it. So they are using each and every means at disposal to stop the train- it seems! So, most of the opposition parties and their leaders qualify to be traitors. Anybody with a ‘communist’ label is an anti-national by default. In fact the genealogy of one of the largest party is filled with traitors and anti-nationals, we are told. This is the party that ruled for most part of our post independence phase, won 3 wars (well lost one as well!) And was responsible for (in whichever manner) where we stand today as a nation. But don’t ask. Black or White. Choose your’s.
Black and White- Media- used as a pillow during the night and a punching bag during the day! Their color changes on daily basis. The ruling dispensation (or at least their friends) believe that the media (their term is MSM) is biased against their leader and aligns with whosoever conspires to get the government into trouble. It seems most media houses are foreign funded by external intelligence agencies or business houses. Why cannot the government reign in these forces is not answered. If the media is controlled by external forces, the opposition parties driven by ‘external forces’, what the hell is the government of India doing all this while? That part is conveniently not answered. What benefit will majority of the media derive by being anti-government (as is projected), besides improving TRPs is not discussed. Don’t talk about it. Black or White.
On part of the media, some definitely have a pathological hatred towards the ruling dispensation- the leader in particular. So apart from trying to settle personal scores, the media thrives on anarchy. Anarchy drives TRPs- simple. So it was the media which publicized the Anna Hazare moment and the same people who have publicized the JNU episode. Besides, they are not merely the messengers of information. But creators of stories. There is no ethical angle here. That industry can no longer afford it. Whose side is the media on? Well, media is on their own side, shifting partners as per the convenience and TRPs. Why does the media report in a particular way? Don’t ask why. Black or White!
Wondering if ever,one were to look out of the kaleidoscope to witness the beautiful colors around. Multiple colors and numerous shades …over a billion of them, actually!
This land will be a beautiful place then….colored …not black or white.
Will that happen? May be – May be not ……
Jai Hind!
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